Chomsky, 9/11 and Conspiracy Theory - Do Not Be Deceived

The following headline is going round and round the internet: “Noam Chomsky: No Evidence that Al-Qaeda Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks”. It seems to me to be pretty misleading if not downright wrong.


I Can Quit Myspace Any Time I Like

Quit Myspace Day was on the 24th October this year. Did you quit? Are you thinking of it?


Facebook Apps Steal Your Phonebook - Do They Also Corrupt It?

If you haven’t already, go and read this article by Charles Arthur in the Guardian, where he explains how Facebook apps on the Android and iPhone platforms now copy your entire phonebook back to Facebook without asking or notifying you.


HTC Desire Gripe #1 And Solution - Call Confirm

I’ve just got my shiny new HTC Desire phone. It’s my first touchscreen device and while it is utterly gorgeous in many superficial ways there are numerous issues with the way the thing actually works.


Quantum Chess May Or May Not Be Chess (It Isn't)

I’ve played chess all my life. I’m a pretty average strength club level player and like many experienced players I’ve always enjoyed chess variants. This quantum variant is an interesting idea (each non-king piece has a dual identity in pseudo-quantum superposition, changing state on black squares - see the Wired UK article on it) but I’m not really sure about a couple of the implementation details. My feeling, after one game, is that too many of the normal chess rules have been abandoned.
