Rambling From MySpace To Bandcamp
A couple of days ago I read this excellent but mildly depressing article by Andrew Dubber about musicians and Myspace:
Nothing of Consequence
Actually it is something of consequence.
Folk Music Fail
Had an excellent time at the Small World Festival in Kent on Friday and into Saturday morning. Really should have sorted out being able to stay longer but it wasn’t to be.
Bits And Bobs
Huh. So, this is going well, isn’t it. So much for regular updates. I blame a heavy regime of saxophone and piano practise, combined with trying to add in a bit of guitar as well, plus all the other usual stuff that Gets In The Way. So this is going to be a catch-up bullet pointy set of things kind of post. You have been warned.
Saxual Frustration
Really I ought to compose some kind of long screed about how ridiculous the Swedish Pirate Bay case is, but actually I can’t think of anything I didn’t already say in the cartoon I did earlier this evening.