This Again - A Response To My Friend Who Was Concerned About Illegal Downloads Of His Music

(Over on Facebook, I got into discussion my friend David Goo, an excellent musician and songwriter, over SOPA and the piracy issue. After he posted to the effect that pointed out that if he had received 50p for each of the 30,000 downloads of one of his songs, he’d be able to make a whole new album, my response got a bit long, so I thought I’d reproduce it here.)


Bush Of Thorns Remix Project #1

About ten years ago, back when I was still calling the band Fast Freddie Fourier and the Transforms, I recorded an EP called Bush of Thorns at Bonafide Studios in London.



It’s so easy to take your eye off the ball.


Troy Davis and Lawrence Brewer

Two men were scheduled for execution in the US tonight, Lawrence Brewer and Troy Davis.


Oggcamp 2011 Roundup

Last weekend I attended Oggcamp, a free unconference on the subject of technology, open source and community.
