Clarinet Repair Mystery

A week or so ago, something bad happened while I was practicing clarinet.


A Quick Health Update

From the Jotter app on my phone, written two days ago…



Last Saturday morning I was woken by entirely unexpected stomach pain. My bed at home was clammy with sweat and the pain was intense enough for me to cancel all plans, such as they were, in favour of the suddenly urgent “spend the day rolling around going ‘urgh’ a lot.”


You Don't Love Me

There’s a song called ‘You Don’t Love Me’. You’ve probably heard it in one form or another, even if you don’t know that you have. I’ve been more or less obsessed with it my whole life.


Banjos Banjos

So, I’m in an all-banjo band called Banjöverkill at the moment, and we recently discovered the existence of the Banjo Fish, aka banjos banjos. It has become extremely necessary to write a song about it.
